nourishment from earth to earth being

Base Smokable Herbs

Building Your Sacred Smoke Blend: Base Herbs


Usually a light, fluffy herb- this will make up the majority of your blend maybe 40-60%. 

Mullein Leaf  Verbascum thapsus: My favorite base herb. Very Fluffy, be sure to not grind up too much, will burn weird. Notably effective for strengthening the lungs and dispelling toxins. Doesn't have too much of a taste, pretty neutral. Known to aid in respiratory congestion, and traditionally a known go to for asthma attacks. 

Mugwort Artemesia vulgaris: A bit more dense than Mullein leaf, slightly bitter taste. Smells like cheap cannabis when burned. Spiritual connection to intuition, and moon goddess energy, very feminine herbal. Highly protective energetically. When smoked effects may range from euphoric feelings, to a floating weightless feeling, especially in the upper chakras. May also be calming, and anxiety reducing. I do not use this one as a base too often; I prefer it as a supporter herb. 

Red Raspberry Leaf Rubus idaeus: Another one of my favorite base herbs, mainly because of its sweet raspberry flavor. Fluffy and more dense than Mugwort. I personally experience a sweet and sour flavor from the smoke of this plant. This plant is known internally to tonify, it feels like this is also the action of her vapor. Tonify, tighten tissue states. This is a great lung tonic, maybe in combination as a base with Mullein for a post nicotine smoker blend. This is also a very feminine energetic plant; the energy here is very nurturing and sweet like it's flavor. 

Damiana  Turnera diffusa: Known for its aphrodisiac effects, you can count on this herb to bring you feelings of an uplifting, euphoric, and relaxing nature. I have personally experienced the vapor of this plant to bring me energy boost also, and feeling very present and mellow. The taste is floral with a sweet note. I do not use this as a base too much, more as a supporter or flava flava herb. 

Marshmallow Root  Althaea officinalis: The smoke flavor from Marshmallow is extremely pleasant. It is sweet, and smooth on the throat. This is helpful if you are needing to add some harsher and dryer herbs to a blend that may be irritating to the throat. Often this is combined with Damiana.