nourishment from earth to earth being


  • Supporter Smokable Herbs

    Building Your Sacred Smoke Blend: Supporter Herbs The herbs in this part, you will want to focus on what you wish the outcome of the blend to en...
  • The Moon Goddess Herb: Artemisia vulgaris

    The Moon Goddess Herb: Artemisia vulgaris Mugwort, the plant of the moon goddess, for the dreamers and mystics, named after Artemis, the Gre...
  • Base Smokable Herbs

    Building Your Sacred Smoke Blend: Base Herbs   Usually a light, fluffy herb- this will make up the majority of your blend maybe 40-60%.  Mullein L...
  • Intro to Sacred Herbal Smokes

    The Basics: Sacred Smokable Herbs Whether you are interested in smokable herbs for their energetic purposes, as an alternative, or just for fun wi...