nourishment from earth to earth being

Earth Wise Meeting

Dive into the realms of Western Energetic Herbalism. Approach your needs with a consult, and receive a custom formula just for your personal need, and concerns.

I currently see clients at the Traditions Student Clinic on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm. Sessions consist of a full health evaluation where I get a detailed look at your history, current complaints, your pulse, and perform a tongue energetic diagnosis evaluation; the whole run down essentially.

With all of this information gathered, I present to my supervisors, they then come in and speak with you to confirm that my findings are accurate. Finally, I prepare a wellness plan and custom herbal formula just for your specific energetic constitution; which you will pick up at a later date! I collaborate with the supervisor, who will confirm your wellness plan also. You may also leave with some Ear Seeds, or Magnets on specific acupressure points to aid in your healing.

If you are local to St. Pete I highly suggest taking advantage of the Student Clinic! 


Earth Wise Meetings:

If you can not make it on Tuesdays, or are out of town you can absolutely book an appointment with me directly.

The set up for this is very similar to what you would receive at student clinic.

I typically present these personal inquiries as case studies to my teachers, get second opinions, and guidance with my herbal choices.

This option is great if you are out of town. I will send you a forum to complete and we will hop on a phone call for about a hour and chat it up about your concerns!

If you are local, we can meet up at the Kava bar, or park! Similarly, your initial meeting will be about a hour to an hour and a half long, and you will need to pick up herbs at a later date. Follow up consultations are not as long, and this is where we will check in to see how you are doing, and if any alterations need to be made to your formula ect. 

Feel free to email me, or dm me on instagram with any further questions!